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Yttrium-90 (Y90) Microspheres Therapy

Transarterial Radioembolisation (TARE) for Locoregional Therapy with Yttrium-90 Microspheres: A Ray of Hope in Liver Cancer Treatment


Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a formidable adversary in the realm of cancer. However, with the advent of Transarterial Radioembolisation (TARE), there is newfound hope. This groundbreaking therapy is transforming the landscape of liver cancer treatment, offering advanced solutions and improved outcomes for patients.

What is TARE for HCC Therapy?

Transarterial Radioembolisation (TARE), also known as radioembolization, is an innovative method designed to combat hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It combines precision diagnostics with targeted radiotherapy to specifically address HCC cells, providing hope to patients grappling with this complex liver cancer. This therapy leverages the power of radioactive microspheres, such as Yttrium-90 (Y90), to effectively treat HCC.

How Does it Work?

01. Diagnosis

The journey begins with highly precise diagnostic tests, including imaging and tumor staging. These tests provide essential information about the size, location, and extent of HCC, crucial for creating a personalized treatment plan.

02. Personalized Treatment

TARE is customized to your unique cancer profile. It involves the use of tiny radioactive microspheres that are delivered directly into the blood vessels that feed the tumor, ensuring precise targeting while sparing healthy liver tissue.

03. Targeted Radiotherapy

The microspheres lodge themselves within the tumor’s blood vessels, emitting radiation to destroy the cancer from within. This approach minimizes damage to surrounding healthy liver tissue.

04. Minimal Side Effects

The precision of TARE significantly reduces collateral damage, resulting in fewer side effects compared to conventional treatments.

Benefits of TARE for Primary and Metastatic Liver Cancer Therapy


TARE selectively targets tumors, minimizing collateral damage to healthy liver tissue.


Clinical trials have shown promising results, including tumor shrinkage and prolonged survival rates.

Quality of Life

Reduced side effects mean improved quality of life during and after treatment.

Personalized Care

TARE is tailored to your unique cancer profile, ensuring the most effective treatment possible.

Is TARE Right for You?

TARE is generally considered for primary (HCC or ICC) and metastatic liver cancer patients who may not be suitable candidates for surgery or other treatments. Your medical team will evaluate your specific circumstances to determine if TARE is the appropriate choice for you.


Transarterial Radioembolisation (TARE) represents a groundbreaking approach to liver cancer treatment. By combining precision diagnostics with targeted radiotherapy, it offers renewed hope and improved outcomes for patients grappling with this complex condition. If you or a loved one is facing hepatocellular carcinoma, consider discussing TARE with your healthcare provider to explore the potential benefits of this innovative treatment. Together, we can forge a brighter path in the fight against liver cancer.

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